abey79 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/abey79/art/The-Kitschest-Bear-148412321abey79

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January 5, 2010
The Kitschest Bear by *abey79 Suggester writes: "When I first laid eyes on this, I thought it had to be digital art, you just can't get a more perfect photo of a polar bear in it's natural environment than this... it takes my breath away."
Featured by kkart
abey79's avatar

The Kitschest Bear



This is as kitsch a bear as it gets. Ok, I played around with saturation and such, but it's no photomanipulation. Real ice, real sky and, most importantly, real *wild* polar bear in its actual habitat (i.e. no zoo or something...). Svalbard, Aug. 2009.

Other polar bears from the same trip:

Edit: OMG a DD -- awesome! Thanks to :iconlumi-nara: and :iconkkart: for the suggestion and feature!

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» Best of Animal/Wildlife at Through Your Eyes Photography Contest [link]
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photography by Antoine Beyeler

home page: ab-ware.com/photo
microstock: ab-ware.com/microstock
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copyright © 2009 Antoine Beyeler. all rights reserved. my images may not be reproduced in any form without my written permission.
Image size
533x800px 411.8 KB
Canon EOS 40D
Shutter Speed
1/400 second
Focal Length
70 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Aug 29, 2009, 1:18:01 PM
© 2009 - 2024 abey79
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KittiesGoShoot's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

This is truly an outstanding photo and one that you should be extremely proud of. For me, it's one of the greatest polar bear shots that I have come across and I think it will be a bit of a push to find another as good as this. When I first came across this, admittedly I thought it was a digital painting because it's completely different from any other polar bear shots.

The colours are beautiful, inviting and dreamy. As for the composition, it seems perfect. What I'm most in awe of though is that stunning backdrop; without it I don't think the photo would have as much of a powerful impact as it has now.

In all, this is an amazing photo on so many levels. You've captured such a great scene and moment, but done so in a very surreal way; I can't help but to applaud you! Gorgeous.