ADAM and EVEAberantt on DeviantArt

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In Bioshock the fall of the Objectivist underwater metropolis known as Rapture can be traced back to the discovery of a very remarkable sea slug. This sea slug was discovered to produce unstable stem cells that could be harvested for human use. They called this ADAM. ADAM could be manipulated and processed into different serums called Plasmids that genetically modify the body in unique ways, replacing native cells with the modified stem cells, which grants the user incredible abilities and powers. EVE was also created from ADAM to fuel the body's use of some Plasmids. They were an incredible scientific breakthrough and proved to be especially lucrative in Rapture.

This amazing discovery however would bring serious consequences. It was found that the unstable stem cells of ADAM caused physical and mental damage to those who used it habitually and led to dependency. This would prove disastrous when an ADAM-fueled civil war in Rapture broke out and many people ended up as Splicers: violent, addicted ADAM abusers with physical deformities and degenerated sanity.

Rapture fell into a nightmarish dystopia. The remaining sane citizens were either killed or went into hiding, leaving Splicers to the ruins of the city. They are what remains of what was once Rapture's citizens, representing their fall from grace and the ramifications of ADAM and EVE.

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gravdaniel1490's avatar
Wait,what happend to their arms?