abe123 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/abe123/art/Tribute-To-Searchs-End-2780601abe123

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Tribute To Searchs End



*EDIT* a bonus sunset version is included in the zip file :)

after weeks of being nonexistent: i finally surfaced with some new content :D this has gone to lots of modifications and everything-- really a fun journey to do experimenting all the way with new techniques and stuff-- it's also a journey for me to find some enlightenment with the new version of DA-- i think it's settling down now so here's some new scenery for all of you :w00t!:

this is a tribute to zilla774's great dragon piece - Search's End - it's a great inspirational piece which made me do this scene be sure to check it out on his gallery :)

thanx also to zilla774 for figuring out the nightprowler effect without which this scene wouldn't have been possible :ninja: thanx man for those nights we trade techniques :P it's been a pleasure -- always
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wow, awsome....how long did it take you to complete this?