Abdomental on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/abdomental/art/Rachel-s-Weighted-One-Arm-Push-Ups-575550163Abdomental

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Rachel's Weighted One Arm Push-Ups



Rachel knew that adding one more plate to her back than usual would have consequences down the line of this workout, but 50 lb was no longer pushing her in the way she wanted. It's a particularly late night at the gym, even for her, so there is nobody around to complain about her grunting and groaning, the only sounds she can make to force just a little more energy out of her overworked muscles. They grow louder as the exercise continues, and after two hundred and fifty reps with her left arm, her sweat soaked body hits the mat with a wet slap. She pants heavily, feeling her heated breath against her face, even able to smell her efforts as her nose presses into the gym mat. The weights still press hard into her back as her chest heaves and she slowly moves her left arm, placing her palm to the mat as her right moves behind her back.

With a cry, she lifts her body yet again and keeps pumping. Her biceps ready to explode, her lip trembling and her teeth gritted, she keeps pumping.
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1412x1151px 245.6 KB
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Burksaurus's avatar
This is awesome she's carrying the weights on her back