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abazou's avatar

Spiderman Revenge



Yes i'm a fan of comics, yes i'm a fan of Marvel and Yes i like Spiderman, but i'm sick and tired of stupid directors and actors that dont know shit about comics and yet they make their movies!!
I did this picture manipulation as an expected reaction from the real Spiderman if he saw his movies :)

You can find Superman's revenge here [link]

You can find Catwoman's Revenge here [link]
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© 2007 - 2024 abazou
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martenas's avatar
Nope! Andrew Garfield, Kerstin Dunst, and Eric Foreman (as Eddie Brock of all things) among SONY poor decisions that did that!

Ya...Andrew Garfield was a decent spiderman, but as Peter Parker was a totally unlovable douche. Kerstin Dunst...didn't even wanna be in the spiderman movies beyond the first one, even though she owed so much to them. Such a hideous, unlikable, & forced Mary Jane! And then we have Topher Grace( aka That 70s show's Eric Foreman) as Classic Venom! What...The...Serious...F*CK!?! I mean, even Nicholas cage was smart enough to walk away from a character he very well knew he couldn't pull of in Superman. Ol Topher is about 110lbs soaking wet; and hardly reads as one of spidermans most menacing, most brutish, most cunning bad guys of all time. Dude...you couldn't hold the jock of Venom! Was this a joke?

But then we get to the man of the hour! Now many people have called Tobey a whiny spiderman, but i actually found him to have a lot of likeability and heart.  Sure, he wasn't the best spiderman, but his peter parker was SPOT ON; perfect pitch! I, like many outsiders of my time, did that very same bus run!

Like it or not, those Raimi spiderman movies were revolutionary! They pretty much brought superhero movies out of the dark ages of black leather and attitude, and actually allowed superhero movies to be colorful & full of personality like they are today. Hell...ask most superhero movie buffs, and its almost unanimous that Raimi's Spiderman2 was the best spiderman movie of them all; and one of the best super hero movies of all time, mixing it up with the likes of the Dark Knight (critically & box office)

But lets get to the real villain here.  Sony! Sony, constantly got in Raimis way with decisions clearly designed at creating toys, & promo stuff, especially with the overloaded spiderman3. And they ultimately destroyed not one, but two spidey franchises at this point. Its not one actors fault. Its the fault of greedy companies.

As someone who is a life long spiderman fan, and was blessed to be an extra in the upcoming spiderman homecoming (filmed in ATL); i can say this to you...its not about the actor knowing about the character or comics. Its about the actor knowing how to do his/her job right & only taking on projects responsibly! Although, decent casting doesn't hurt, & the fact that MARVEL STUDIOS is doing this one.

Hopefully, this will be the best spider yet :spidey: :)
:peace: be with you true believer. Nuff said !