abazou on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/abazou/art/Catwoman-Revenge-55613453abazou

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abazou's avatar

Catwoman Revenge



My 3rd take on the Heroes revenge series, and now its catwoman's turn. What the hell is Hale berry doing as Catwoman? I mean for the love of god leonardo de carpio would fit more as a catwoman :)
Anyway she's getting her punishment now for taking that part ;)

Here you can find Spiderman's revenge [link]

You can find Superman's revenge here [link]
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© 2007 - 2024 abazou
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Pubjunk's avatar
I was quite pissed and dissapointed after watching that movie. Not only did the script and costume suck, but the effects were WAY overdone. All they did was give me a splitting headache :P Plus I have to say that for me personally, Michelle Pfieffer was a tough act to follow as she was by far the best catwoman (imo).