Pixel Comm 3/3 | GiannaaAshleyB on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aashleyb/art/Pixel-Comm-3-3-Gianna-639225504aAshleyB

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Pixel Comm 3/3 | Gianna



:bulletred: This is a Paid Commission and is NOT for Free Use :bulletred:
+2 AP for Savvy

Pixel-doll 3/3 for Ladybro-Meghan of her character Gianna.
SA | Gianna | Talori | Emissary by Ladybro-Meghan

This was the quickest one to do but took much longer to upload than it should have as I spent an entire week trying to finish chapter art for SA rather than work on my commissions.  Surprisingly this ended up being the biggest one of the three.  I wanted to practice a pose I don't usually do and this is the result!  I hope you like her, and thank you soo much for being patient and helping me out!  :heart:

Pixel Comm 1/3 | Honour by aAshleyB(1/3)Pixel Comm 2/3 | Snow Blossom by aAshleyB(2/3)

Character and Art belongs to :iconladybro-meghan:
Artwork © Ashley Anderson aAshleyB
Image size
401x593px 23.37 KB
© 2016 - 2025 aAshleyB
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Moonie-Dogg's avatar
AHHH I love it so much! Sorry it took me so long to comment, I haven't been home to do that. It turned out wonderful!! I SO HAVE TO USE IT ON MY PROFILE! ALL OF THESE! <3 <3

It was no problem to help you out. I just wish I had more characters of mine done at the time because I WOULD HAVE COMMISSIONED YOU FOR ALL OF THEM! Seriously you've earned a watch from all this! You're one of the rare ones who accurately depict commissioned characters! I'm so gonna have to get one of my two new SA babies (once I nail a design I can stick with) so this shouldn't be the last you hear from me! <3

Can I just talk about this single piece for a sec? You totally nailed Gianna's "bean body" as its supposed to be! He looks amazing!! And you got his messy hair to a T <3 Your work just impresses me so much. He has the simplest design out of the ocs I got you to draw but he doesn't look any less fabulous <3 Thank you so much for all these! Your work is so inspiring! :D