+1Aaron-A-Arts on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/aaron-a-arts/art/1-268398605Aaron-A-Arts

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

October 13, 2013
Featured by fediaFedia
Suggested by charush
Aaron-A-Arts's avatar




i always wanted a DD in this category. Thanks guys! now go listen to my dubstep. custo is dead.

the dll's in the download are x86. if you use x64 just use the images with nav button customizer

Updated 12/26: This has the light version toolbar fix for chrome/firefox, it also contains many minor updates but i can't remember them all. the file also includes a darkened transparent taskbar version that is VERY incomplete. with the holidays, finals, and some commissioned web design i've been far too busy to make a proper final version of this package but this should address most of the issues that have been brought to my attention. no monochrome versions yet. sorry. happy holidays custo fans!

Updated 11/18: added substyle dark explorer bar (works with Chrome and Firefox ;) ) + lots of minor fixes. thanks to everyone reporting bugs and helping make this theme badass

+1 extras

Updated 11/17: shadowless frames, left/right taskbars, rounded bottoms ;)


Updated 11/12: i remade the taskbar buttons to accommodate pinned apps and changed/skinned some things. keep the screenshots comming =)

Color scheme based on Google+
Design is inspired by the results of sorting the Windows XP category by Most Popular of all time.

+1 for Windows 7
This theme is a heavily modified Aero. You must get confirmation from me prior to releasing any themes built from or based on my design. Go crazy =p


How to Install & Use Custom 3rd Party Themes
Shell32.dll from bAero

Win 7 Nav Buttons Customizer

Windows 7 Start Orb Changer v4

(this isn't necessary, but if you want that super clean look use it)

PS: There are some elements that i intentionally ignored because i never actually see them in daily use, however there are probably a few little bugs, and some completely ignored sections that will need attention. Please bring to my attention any major issues via screenshot and i'll get it fixed.
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