aanglover on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aanglover/art/The-Awakening-Poem-65975154aanglover

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The Awakening Poem



okay... now deviantart can't copyright this!!! cuz i made this poem for an english assignment... my teacher, Ms. Pavlick said this was an excellent poem...and asked if i write a lot.... i said no... cuz i really don't.
this poem was the first decent poem i ever wrote..so go easy on me...
this is about aang in the episode The Awakening.... i made this before the premiere of it... so...yeah... comment..

counts how many times i say "your" in the poem..
wow... i don't have very good word choice....
Image size
786x620px 83.05 KB
© 2007 - 2024 aanglover
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Tian1's avatar
That was amazing! :clap: I love it! I LOVE writing, and poems are what I absolutely love when the right inspiration strikes. If you have the time, is it okay that you look at a poem I have? It's my featured deviation... And it's about Avatar... Just asking! You don't have to! ;)