AagaardDS on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aagaardds/art/Where-the-story-was-told-80157225AagaardDS

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Where the story was told



Where the story was told

The Concept We get storys from: Books, storychair, music, nature/animals, "fantasy"(the sword), television (movies, news and so on), school - Every object/element, should have something with the theme "storys" to do!

I think its my best one, in a very long time!

about 35 stocks manipulatet, and then alot of pentool work :D

Hope your like it, favs and comment are very welcome :D

UPDATE: Okay the first one was not good :( But i realy love it, so i gave it a new try!

In the update I have:

Worked with the shadows!
Removed some colourfiltres
Worked with the light
Tryed to make some more contrast
Give it a border
And some text
Made a texture for it, so it get a old "pirate-look"

Is it bether?
Image size
950x800px 673.14 KB
© 2008 - 2024 AagaardDS
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jkcustoms's avatar
I wish i was good like you. But that never happened, you're bomb. Again great work! :)