thank you for the
of course! your art is cute and cozy :)
are you ok?
Hi! It's me Neko! I'm sorry, it's been a long time and I hope I'm not intruding too badly but I just wanted to send you an update about how the Sunny and Moony story is going in case you were still interested in it! I appreciate you reading the first part of the story before, and I wanted to give you a link to where I'm continuing it's growth, on Wattpad! Here's the link to it in case you're still interested in it~
I hope you enjoy it~ And if you want, here's a link to the story's discord server if you are interested in keeping up with announcements about it's progress, or want to be apart of the fun made for the community~ I can't wait to see you there if you decide to come!~ But if you aren't interested in the story anymore then I want to say I greatly appreciate you for being here just to check it out. Thank you thank you so much, sincerely~ You just being here to give it a look means more to me then you know. And I'll never forget it. It gave me tons of encouragement and helped push me forward a lot. Thank you again and please do take care~ ^U^ -Neko <3
thank youu same to you :love: