Turn the Lights Out on the Way Out!A-Log on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/a-log/art/Turn-the-Lights-Out-on-the-Way-Out-644773852A-Log

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Turn the Lights Out on the Way Out!



It's been a while since I've done anything on GIMP, and the election is today, I thought I would make my voice heard.

This image has a very simple message, and the message is this:

"If Donald Trump wins tonight, will the last person in America please turn off the lights on the way out."

For those in the know, I've been inspired by this infamous cover from The Sun, a publication from the UK:


As you can plainly see, I'm not a big fan of the guy. And I'm not the only one. How this man got to the election and became the Republican choice is beyond me, but the last time I checked, being bankrupt is considered a bad thing; let alone being bankrupt 4 times, and had several failed business adventures in the process.

Sadly, I have no choice to vote for Hillary because, even if she has her flaws (and trust me, she has a lot of them!), it's better to suffer with the devil you know, than the devil you don't. Plus, it'll be great to have Bill Clinton back in the spotlight again.

Here's hoping America will make the right choice... of which alcoholic beverage to drink for the next four years.

Well... it's a lot better than Romney at least.

TL;DR: Don't vote for Trump. It's that simple.
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