Holiday Reflectionsa-kid-at-heart on DeviantArt

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a-kid-at-heart's avatar

Holiday Reflections



This was supposed to be (is) my entry for the 2013 Animated Emoticon Advent Calendar. Unfortunately, a major ice storm knocked out power and internet before I could post it (but `Krissi001 was kind enough to hold the spot and add it!). Though we went without power from Saturday through Tuesday, we just now got our internet access back. I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday!Christmas La by Shannara-Queen

Here is my entry for the Static Calendar: The Gift by a-kid-at-heart
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65x110px 685.81 KB
© 2013 - 2025 a-kid-at-heart
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IAmDaBestofDaBest's avatar
how did you make this masterpiecethe thinking emoji animated