BBC Instructions for Tom Baker 4th Doctor's Scarf93FangShadow on DeviantArt

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BBC Instructions for Tom Baker 4th Doctor's Scarf



Download & Enjoy :thumbsup: ( :camera: If you do complete the scarf,:please:send a link :star: )

:earth:The knitting pattern for (Tom Baker) 4th Doctor Who's Scarf, instructions issued by the BBC :flaguk: 
[This scarf is the season 12 scarf, from the episodes Robot and The Sontaran Experiment which :iconromana12: Romana12 informed me of]

Our first Feature! ->
Our first Link! ->
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One for a little Dalek!…
Yet another link! the-adventurer-0815.deviantart…

[My mom got them after her older brother's girl-friend (BACK IN THE '80s) wrote for them and had them sent to her. Then he had his mom (my grandmother:granny:,) make it for him. After making it once she told my mom that she would have to make it her-self to get one, and she's had them ever since.]
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714x885px 131.15 KB
© 2012 - 2024 93FangShadow
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Thank you very much ❤️❤️❤️