Puffin Herder7Aes on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/7aes/art/Puffin-Herder-745587037Aes

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7Aes's avatar

Puffin Herder



My submission for the 'Class Act' of Seventh Sanctum -> [link]

Generator: The Humorous Fantasy Class Generator
Result: Puffin Herder


The Puffin Herder class is a very small one, but not because it is unpopular. It takes both natural physical attributes and highly tuned skills in order for a person to join the ranks of the noble Puffin Herders. It is important for the Herder to be able to blend into the flock of birds, because they (surprisingly) don’t take kindly to outsiders. Prominent features include a beak-like nose and a well-rounded stomach. Often times high-level Puffin Herders appear to defy natural gravity, moving about on bird-like stick legs.

Once accepted by a flock, it becomes a Puffin Herder’s highest responsibility to protect the lives and secrets of ‘the clowns of the sea.’ It is a life-long job. Many times a Puffin Herder never sees another member of his or her kind; and it is due to this intense dedication that many of the best Puffin Herders leave the world with no offspring left behind for the next generation.
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1089x968px 131.74 KB
© 2008 - 2025 7Aes
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Athalour's avatar
This is really sweet! Congrats on the win. :D