
Dont go :Jeff the killer x reader

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777wolf's avatar

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He loved you, you loved him. You were perfect together. He loved the woods, you loved the woods. You loved wine, he did too.
You had known each other since kindergarten, and since then he was bullied. You on the other hand were that one girl that every class has that everyone likes. You were rarely mentioned, but if you were it was over how funny or sweet you were.
Back to him.
He had dark brown hair, and a loving smile that only shown when he was around you. You were his promise land. The reason he was bullied was because of his looks. He was gorgeous, and girls were all over him. Before you were together,they were constantly asking him out.He always said no, and soon they stopped. Soon rumors spread he was gay, and then he was made fun of. He didn't care, as long as he had you.
But when you left, he lost it.

You look out your car window, seeing the familiar roads of your home town.
You had left your home to go to high-school in Colorado, and came back once you had completed it you came back to Georgia.
You definitely missed Jeff, a boy you had known your entire life. You had missed him dearly, and were anticipating seeing him again and seeing him smile when you knocked on his door.
You were about 5 minutes from his house when your phone rang. You fished it out of your purse and answered it.
"Hey baby girl! Its me, Tom!"
"Hey Tom!" Tom was your best friend from Middle school.
"Where you at, I miss you!"
"Im going to Jeff's." You smile proudly to yourself at your plan. "Im'a surprise him."
"No, (Y/N)!" Tom's usually calm voice rose. "Dont go there!"
"Im going." Being a woman, and because you were awesome, you went anyway.
Oh my god. Im so sorry. I would of made this longer, but I'm so tierd of typing. If you guys like this enough, I'll post the ch. 2
Ch.1: Your here!
Ch.2: [link]
Ch:3 [link]
Ch.4: Coming soon!
© 2013 - 2025 777wolf
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XxxSugaxxX's avatar
Me: Im going*knocks on door* "its (y/n)!"
Jeff: Did i just hear (y/n)!?!?!Jeff Peeking Hiding smile