Day job - page 015qu33 on DeviantArt

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Day job - page 01



day job - page 01 - follow the white rabbit

next - [link] - My best friends phone call

site - [link]

concept by gviper [link]

been a long time coming (yeah, i'm lazy)

drawn by the power of skittles.

I'm sure your all smart enough to work it out, but it's read left to right. (how the fuck do you get a fu sound from a gh?)

I aim to get one up a week probly on a wednesday. I'm a few ahead, which was the plan, so it'll be easy the first few weeks.

the projects jus to get me to draw more coz I could do with the practice.

I think I'm gunna drop the 4 panel concept though as it makes no sense as it's not really a joke orientated comic and to be honest it's quite boring.

and no it's not a spot the differents. lol
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