Current Residence: Texas Operating System: playing it smooth and cool Shell of choice: conch, great tone Wallpaper of choice: antique velvet Skin of choice: Pale and lightly freckled Favourite cartoon character: Marvin, The Martian Personal Quote: Our scars have the power to remind us that our past is real.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tafl Board
Tools of the Trade
Hands, Brain, Big power tools, Hacksaw, Axe, ducttape, Builder's grade trash bags, bleach......
It approaches.
The first person to send me a screenshot of my pageveiw counter at 9999 gets something spiffy. If I don't get one the latest visitor in the queue when I notice gets the spiffy-ness....
Just Floating.
Finally uploaded some pics from almost a year ago. Field-trip to Houston with the Daughter's school. I grew up there and it is a pretty city. A wonderful place to be from... Far away from. Wouldn't want to raise my kids there. Too Fast, Too Angry, and Too Polluted.
So there are new images where I was trying to show her some basic composition stuff and I liked them enough to keep.
Random here. It is 1211 and I should be horizontal..
Rock on!!
I have a custom made electric kiln for sale. It was going in the shop but i won't have enough electric service or room for it.
It is a 220v 3 zone ceramics/heat treating kiln. I came into possesion of it a couple years back and have been unable to use it. I would like to get it to a good home. Willing to sell it for $200 (FoB San Antonio, TX) Obo...
Will send pics for inquiries... Pass this on. I have a week to sell or I'll try to give it to a local school...