47ness on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/47ness/art/StarCraft-Solidarity-78578325747ness

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47ness's avatar

StarCraft - Solidarity



Drew me a coupla round bois (and a thin boi)

Originally this was just going to be a for-funsies pic, but given recent events with Blizzard + the future of their esports scene uncertain (in particular SC1 and 2, which I follow daily), I wanted to dedicate this to the folks out there who keep said scene going, regardless. :thumbsup:

(download for full size; free to use so long as you credit me)

designs, concepts © Blizzard
art © 47ness

In case some non-fans are wonder, the Protoss Reaver (on the left) is in fact inspired by the Ohm creatures from the Nausicaä anime, as confirmed by the SC design team. :nod: I'm preeetty sure the Zerg Infestor is loosely based off it as well. :XD:
Image size
4500x2250px 1.87 MB
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sean337's avatar

I really like this one