Showcase Logic Meme 342Dannybob on DeviantArt

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Showcase Logic Meme 3



No 'Philia

but they do seem pretty happy about it
all but Serena anyway

who's doing that 'Look depressed and sorry for yourself so it can seem like a shock when you win' - that thing I kinda hate since it's more smug than just showing that you're confident about winning
I mean damn woman, you didn't see the other acts and yet you're not even a little confident that you did well
I mean it's not like people aren't voting for you right now, everyone's Keyhole Bar is level with each other
quit looking so damn glum

regardless, she looks upset, winces and then notices that she's still getting more lights
filling up the keyhole for the win
leaving Miette third behind the girl with a Vanillish but ahead of the irate Jessilee

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bubbles46853's avatar
It's all the 'philia.