42Dannybob on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/42dannybob/art/Bonnie-Serena-Meme-41499304542Dannybob

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Bonnie Serena Meme




Posters are up and running
It was a 50/50 episode for me; Serena's mother wasn't in there a lot so it wasn't about her gaining respect
Mind you there wasn't much of what it was about; just Serena telling Ash how they met the one time, Ash entering a Rhyhorn race and Serena agreeing to travel with them

Bonnie's glad though ;3
And in the Morning; I'm Making Waffles =P

As Mr Anderson with the Head Injury from Scrubs would say
Is the number of Posters i have for ya today
It would've been in the 40s if i wanted to be mean (and today was a day i seriously needed a win :/ but i restrained, as this memory thing is toning down, so hopefully we can get to some platonic character development and see Serena come into her own)
So enjoy~

Halfway on 18

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Please Comment, Fave and Enjoy :D

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760x530px 86.51 KB
© 2013 - 2024 42Dannybob
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Sailor-Touko667's avatar
Well, she's the first female to be INVITED to tag along!