Hair Cut/Style Change Meme2pNyoAmerica on DeviantArt

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2pNyoAmerica's avatar

Hair Cut/Style Change Meme




Before: 1912
After: 2012

[ Yep. Her hair was pretty long, it's just in a braid thing, it was the style back then.
That is Amelia back a hundreed years ago. 1912. Before..... yea. It's a long story. If you really want to know just ask.
I don't have a whole improve history on Amelia, I've planed it all out to back before the revolution, and her personality has changed a lot since 1912. She used to be pretty nice, she wasn't an alcoholic or any of that bad stuff.
1912 was a very painful year for her, she probubly won't talk about it if you asked.
Aaaand that's about it ]
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1131x707px 246.11 KB
© 2012 - 2025 2pNyoAmerica
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