2Mino on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/2mino/art/Ive-met-her-before-1334935682Mino

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Daily Deviation

August 17, 2009
Ive met her before by =2Mino is a perfect example of what happens when you combine Photomanipulation, Digital Painting and Text: a wonderful, mind blowing insane Text Art piece. This shows us that Text Art isn't only about typing but that you can combine more styles. An inspiration for everyone.
Featured by Sander-Seto
Suggested by 3rror404
2Mino's avatar

Ive met her before



I was having trubble placing this one in a category... Ended up with typo.. it seemed fair, because 80% of the time spent on it, was me writing (very random) stuff with my tablet..

First submittion for slashtree's new pack "déjà vu"

link to the other piece i suppmitted for the exebition: [link] (that one took me ages to get right :) )

Stock by Mo Nabbach [link]

Thanks tones to sander for featuring and 3rror404 for suggesting :D third DD ! this feels amazing :D!
Image size
947x1340px 1.57 MB
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krunsh's avatar
Crazy stuff, love it.