IPP - July :Happy Hour:2alexx2 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/2alexx2/art/IPP-July-Happy-Hour-8873511212alexx2

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2alexx2's avatar

IPP - July :Happy Hour:



First theme of the month was Happy Hour! I chose a non-alcoholic drink for this, a version of hot chocolate =) The colors do fit Wael rather nicely, as does the type of clothing, plus she even put on a little bit of make-up to fit the theme!

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1920x2779px 2.34 MB
© 2021 - 2025 2alexx2
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LonelyAardvark's avatar

I love Wael's design so much, she's checking off ALL of my boxes ; u ;  This outfit is ADORABLE, I want to wear it myself TT A TT

Great job!  This is a really unique interpretation of hot chocolate, I really like how chic you've made it!