Main server

Mainly up, but with current issues
Nebulon server

Hello there and welcome! You've somehow ended up on the page for the group
24bps. This group is all about Perhaps you've noticed that domain name around when loading various things; a couple of unofficial dA ideas and services use it as a server for hosting various files, sites and apps. This group is a very simple one; it exists mainly for the purpose to
inform you on the status of our servers. Whoever wants to stay updated on the uptime of the services we provide can watch this account or add themselves as member! Anything is open!

As for the current server conditions, the
main server has been under some troubling conditions in the first half of past week that may still manifest as some slowness now and then. The information page for this at our web host is here:… You can read this to stay updated on the stability of this server.
More updates when something happens.
If you experience stability issues on any of our servers, send the group a note! Thanks!