Terra Tutorial: Armor23rdAngel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/23rdangel/art/Terra-Tutorial-Armor-35867864923rdAngel

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Terra Tutorial: Armor



A promised tutorial for :iconaxelflurryofflame:
This is the last of my Terra cosplay TuTs (?). Hope you all found it helpful as well as entertaining. I found that making tutorials is also (in a way) a part of cosplay. Extending the life and enjoyment of a particular character that you cosplayed and that it could give birth to many more cosplays and cosplayers out there. Similar to cosplay, its taxing but fun :ahoy:

Now, Go forth my fellow Terra cosplayers and multiply! (sounds so wrong...)

Earthshaker Keyblade Tutorial: [link]
Earthshaker Keychain Tutorial: [link]
Aqua Armor Tutorial: [link]
Image size
1148x4952px 1.09 MB
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Ravenhowl's avatar
my biggest problem is always the shoulder