Timimus And Qantassaurus Running2195Razielim on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/2195razielim/art/Timimus-And-Qantassaurus-Running-3208383122195Razielim

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Timimus And Qantassaurus Running



From the documentary Australia: The Time Traveller's Guide

Lark Quarry, in outback Australia, is currently the only recorded dinosaur stampede on earth. In this place, around 95 million years ago, a large herd of small two legged dinosaurs gathered on the banks of a forest lake to drink.

The herd was stalked by a large Theropod four tonnes of sharp-clawed, meat-eating dinosaur. The herd panicked, stampeding across the muddy flats to escape the Theropod’s hungry jaws.

A record of those few terrifying minutes is cast in more than 3300 fossilised footprints. The footprints tell us about a cooler, wetter world, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and the mammal’s time is yet to come.

took 17 minuets to make please give credit if used

Copyright Prospero Productions
Image size
720x480px 9.6 MB
© 2012 - 2025 2195Razielim
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Neranella's avatar
Hyyyyk !!! I want to get out of their way ! :wow: :sprint: