20Harlequin05 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/20harlequin05/art/Siokash-Laidien-21774702420Harlequin05

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20Harlequin05's avatar

.::. Siokash Laidien .::.



This is Siokash (Pronounced "See-oh-kaw-sh") Laidien. She is an original character from an RP I do with my friend *rockleetist. She is called a Hyrbid, which is a race of half animal and have human.

This was something I wanted to work on, and finally got my drawing spirit back for. It was a long few hours of sketching after I found a pose online that I really liked.
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1275x1696px 705.44 KB
© 2011 - 2024 20Harlequin05
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rockleetist's avatar
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ You're getting so much better with your photoshopping every time I see you upload something new. Your linework is slowly improving and your coloring with layers looks much more accurate. A pointer though! When you're doing shading with the polygonal lasso, don't be afraid to select smaller areas so the lines don't look quite as angular. The shades flow much cleaner that way.

Other than that, Roland and Gene and Simon RUV J00.