20Harlequin05 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/20harlequin05/art/Ryara-15656225920Harlequin05

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.::. Ryara .::.



Can it be?

Did... Sam really update?

Yes I did.

Ryara, my Lvl. 80 Priest from the Sentinals server in World of Warcraft. I worked a long time on that character. Originally she was Dragmania on the Alliance side, but after paying for a faction change, here she is now, my Blood Elf Priest.

I hadn't really worked on much in the last year or so. I hadn't had much of a drive really to do anything. However, I did want to draw Ryara. This is a simple piece of work, I was lazy and didn't care much to do a background, nor did I care to put much detail on here.

Ryara - Sentinals Server (Lvl. 80 Priest)
(c) World of Warcraft
Image size
368x557px 120.14 KB
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Naralune's avatar
Oh man... Guess who's coming to visit you on that server than.
Woman, you should look at my gallery. I gots the world of warcraft fever too.