20Harlequin05 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/20harlequin05/art/Little-Supernova-Star-12028669020Harlequin05

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20Harlequin05's avatar

.: Little Supernova - Star :.



Oh wow, would you look at that? Harle finally updates again! My apologies for such a long wait on a piece of art, I had lost my will to want to draw.

Lately I have found a new friend in which I RP with on FFXI. And it sparked my want to draw. I happened to find a picture from Digi-Charat, and I thought it looked cute, so I used the pose I found and drew this.

I got a little lazy with the highlighting and decided I didn't want to highlight, so I left it as it was. The background is also lazy. The only thing not lazy about this picture is the lineart.

I hope you folks enjoy at least. I've been working on this for a few days now. ^^ Let me know what you think.

Star (C) Me ~20Harlequin05
FFXI (C) SquareEnix

Congrtulations Square for reaching 2 million players! :dance:
Image size
680x1114px 408.05 KB
© 2009 - 2024 20Harlequin05
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Terrterr's avatar
Holy crap this is super adorable, as is the rest of your gallery!! (*Q*