1ore's avatar


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Hello. I'm Lore and I make desert art. Check it out.

Catch me on M0R1BUND, Tumblr, Inkblot, and Mastodon.art. Enjoy my work? I have a tipjar here, if you're feeling charitable.

This is a Sadryn account, now

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the basedt update that was late because i broke my phone with my ass has a lot of people asking questions already answered by the basedt update. 6 new pages... this links to the first page of the bunch... take a look ~> https://basedt.net/comic/pg-113/
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While I wait for them to bring back the ability to disable share buttons, Basedt has Updatéd... 4 new pages for the month... hold the Hand, cherish the Hand, forfeit all material possessions to the Hand... take a look: https://basedt.net/comic/pg-109/
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Against my best judgement i have an artfight now ~> https://artfight.net/~m0r1bund i dont know if/to what extent i can participate, but there it is for you scoundrels 🤪
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Looove your work!

hey! i was sifting through reeeally old artwork, and i just happened upon a pretty old adopt i got from you! then i fell down the rabbit hole on your artwork. completely blown away! i found your stuff when I was first a kid, and seeing you still posting actively brings a smile to my face. i dont use deviantart anymore (or any social reall to be honest), but seeing your work really makes me feel that nostalgic wonder i used to have, and inspiration and the type of stuff id love to be able to make myself some day. youre a real inspiration when it comes to your execution and style and just over all drive for story telling. i absolutely adore it. it almost makes me wish i came on here much more just so i can see more of your work! but sadly i dont, and it was just by chance i saw your stuff and wondered what you were up to. never the less, please continue your BEAUTIFUL art work. continue being inspiring! cheers :)

Your artstyle is so cool ! ;_;~:heart:

Thank you so much for saying so!! Glad it appeals :^D

What is the style that you used for your creations? Just asking.

Hmmmmm, if I had to put a finger on it, I would say it's a composite that is heavily influenced by the many types of folk art in the American Southwest (both settler and indigenous), folk art and traditional arts from other parts of the world (particularly Japanese folk art and Ukiyo-e), and western webcomics? Webcomics informed technique/how I learned to draw, and left a stronger thumbprint on my work than other pop media that I grew up with, where folk art has informed identity and style.

I like your artstyle it's interesting, and it gives off a Aztec/'Viking and runic vibe to it.