1arcticfox on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/1arcticfox/art/REFLECTION-OF-WINTER-BEAUTY-2713383591arcticfox

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1arcticfox's avatar




Snow, snow and more snow! There's been about 40 inches where I am, in the last 3 weeks! It's a good thing I'm a snow lover, but this is getting ridiculous! :D If it stays cold enough it looks like we will get more snow several days this week...nobody will say how much yet, but a big storm is coming. I'm loading up on food today! It's been very cold this last week too, but finally has warmed up to 7 degrees above zero F. or -13.8 C! It's a heat wave! Everything is “frosted”....I love it when it looks like Narnia but I am tired of digging out! :-)

**Thank you very kindly in advance for all comments/favs. My ability to respond to favs/comments is limited as a result of Carpal Tunnel.**

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c. 2011 by 1ArcticFox – All Rights Reserved.
Image size
1366x768px 821.48 KB
Date Taken
Nov 27, 2011, 11:37:35 PM
© 2011 - 2024 1arcticfox
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AndySerrano's avatar
Excellent reflection.