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ToT app: Team MAGIX



EDIT: Kala is here! this has been updated before my chapter 6 is finished but i know it'll take a while so here you go! things will be filled in soon- rep from research recovery, fighting the bandits, and evacuating the helpless

EDIT: credit to Tinytank138 for the new character personality section! id appreciate it if you read it!

EDIT: New look for chapter 6!

Team Magix


Guild Rep                       Badges

KEEPERS:5                      0            
TRACKERS:4                      0              
SCHOLARS:8                      1              
ARTISANS:5                      0            
Chapter 1
For Her
Chapter 1-2
The Road To The Guilds
Intermission 1
Babysitting Problems
Chapter 2
Dream Fog
Intermission 2
Witch in the Woods
Chapter 3
Intermission 3
Trouble in the Temple Part 1
Trouble in the Temple Part 2
Chapter 4
A Calm Before the Storm
Intermission 4
A Show For a Spirit
Chapter 5
Chapter 6



Fayne (Peach) Fox

May 10th


Young teen (14-16)

Nature: Timid

Trait: Quick to flee

Ability: Blaze

Move 1: Flamethrower
A powerful move but inexperienced, more likely to hit a tree than her opponent. (linked with magic)
Move 2: Psyshock
Magic energy can take a physical form on Peaches body- not very skilled with it.
Move 3: Psychic
She knows a move like this? Very odd, she doesn't remember when she learned it.
Move 4: Spark
A magic shock- attached to her magic the electricity comes from any part and is colored a weird blue.


Warding charm
Spirit of Evolution
Mushroom Lantern
Proof of Willpower outfit
Honeycomb Storage

Peach is a young Fennekin from a large farming family, tall in stature and lanky, with freckles all over her. Her fur is unkempt, especially her ear fur which is knotted in several places. She keeps twigs in her tail hoping one day she will master magic and evolve.


Asocial: Preferring her solitude, Peach will not go out of her way to join a group or conversation, often doing everything in her power to avoid physical and social interaction. If forced in a situation like this, she will very keen on leaving the situation by any means possible but during it she will be obviously very uncomfortable and a borderline mute. As she is impatient and at times unstable, she will not endure these situations for long and depending on her current moods she will either be snappy or emotionally absent

Anxious: Being a literal ball of anxiety, Peach is always nervous of others and foreign situations. Never seeming to be relaxed, she is often seen to be very uneasy and fearful of the things around her, expecting all those who approach as a threat and even future enemy. Often times when approached, she will often detach herself from them as much as possible. This does not help the fact that she is harboring extreme trust issues, it being extremely rare for her to open up to others, having very few she would even consider acquaintances let alone friends.

Petty: Things that are considered to not be a big deal, can turn out to be the reason why Peach could like or dislike you. This is because certain things are considered a big deal to her that would not be to others. Being narrow minded, her views tend to be very specific, disliking those who do not share her way of seeing certain things, making her difficult to befriend. She will never vocally announce when someone says something against her beliefs. Her next action would be to avoid the individual altogether to avoid confrontation or further conversation.

Curious: Peach can't help but be curious about the things going on around her, it often being what leads her into dangerous situations. Curiosity killed the cat, or fox in this case. Upon seeing something new, she wants to learn more about it, however this curiosity does not extend to other Pokémon, that being what she tends to avoid. She will get up close an personal with a new thing, yet as soon as a crowd gathers, she will leave to avoid being caught in the middle of things. Her curiousity tends to be a good way to trick her into interaction, not being able to help being interested in something and rarely someone.

Goodhearted: Despite always wanting to avoid interaction, Peach does not have the heart to avoid or ignore someone in distress, wanting to see if fixing their problem is within her power. If the problem isn't one she can fix, she will offer comfort and even lend an ear if need be. Just because she does not like to interact with others, does not mean she is incapable or unwilling. Her good nature is not always seen, but it exists, it often not being the first trait people notice. She means well in what she does, never wanting to escalate a situation or anger a Pokémon if she can avoid it, rather wanting to solve a situation through peaceful means for others and her own sake.

Dedication: Despite Peach not seeming to have any motivation, if she starts something, you better believe she will finish it. Her dedication can often make her appear stubborn, her progress not able to be derailed by anyone she encounters during her mission. This is not only true with missions, but other things as well. She likes seeing things through, not feeling like she did all she could if she left something unfinished. Not seeing something to the end is unheard of to her, just the thought of something of the sort happening bothering her extremely so. She is reliable when it comes to the missions she chose to do, faith in her completing it being justified.

Peach is the middle child of the Fox family, while her siblings were very supportive her father was not the nicest. He was hard to impress and such the poor girl would get yelled at a lot. But her mother had always been there. Her mother; a loving Zoroark was a proud witch and was the one to inspire Peach to master magic of her own.

The memory is fuzzy but one day her mother had left? disappeared? She couldn't quite remember but she was distraught- and through clouded thoughts she ran away from home in search of her mother
. One way or another that lead her to Tabira where a Manectric had taken her in- though not without a price. The Manectric worked at small time restaurant by the name of "the Noisy Noivern" and for a place to stay she would need to help around the kitchen. She is clumsy and if you're eating there be sure not to be wearing your favorite accessory.
2nd Member

Kala Mar Belle

August 7th


Young Teen (14-16)

Nature: Jolly

Trait: Impetuous and Silly

Ability: Liquid Voice


Move 1: Perish Song
A song that is beautiful to the ear but will slowly drain the will to  fight from others- when used it almost looks like you can see water  ripples in the air.
Move 2: Sing
A calming lullaby She learned from her father- Calming and relaxing it can put others to sleep.
Move 3: Hyper Voice
a high pitched squealing forms into a powerful wave of attacks- very skilled and is known to send others flying.
Move 4: Disarming Voice
Due to Kala's natural charm, others often lose the will to fight her, while it doesn't do a lot of damage she uses it often.



Kala is a Popplio with very light purple fur and spots on her shoulders and back. She wears lots of nice accessories and loves looking as cute as she can!


Optimistic: Her positive is outlook difficult to be deteriorated by pessimistic words, Kala prefers to see the world and all of its aspects in a bright and rosey light. The world may seem bad at certain angles, but Kala believes there are plenty of others angles to look at that can show exactly what wonderful things the world has in store. She believes that all Pokémon are good until proven otherwise, wanting to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and never judging anyone by their appearance no matter how unsettling it may be. To her, anyone can be a friend, you just need to be willing to make one!

Cheerful:  Rarely seen with a frown, Kala tends to carry a merry disposition with her wherever she goes. This trait of hers can either be contagious or even annoying dependent on the Pokémon, some finding the sheer amount of it suffocating and even invasive. If you are going to be living in the world, it’s best to go about it with the best attitude and outlook in mind. She doesn’t believe Pokémon should spend their time worrying, but instead enjoying what could be in store for every new adventure. To Kala, there is nothing worse than not wanting to see everything around you in the best light possible, except for not wanting to try to rival it in its radiance.

Adventurous: No matter the destination, it will always be something Kala wants to investigate, her curiosity often obscuring her vision from the potential danger. An obsidian bladed cliff, void of all life,(unless you count the never ceasing, whispering demonic incantations!) overlooking a literal boiling sea of glowing green acid? Kala is the first in line. Rarely will she get bored of a new destination or be turned off by what it is described as. She wants to see if for herself, to make her own opinions about it rather than listen to others. No better way to make good memories then heading to new places and doing just that.

Naive: With how optimistic she is, Kala often trusts the last Pokémon she should be giving that said trust to. Too focused on the potential good in everyone, she almost always overlooks the copious amounts of bad or evil in many around her. Easily tricked and manipulated by others, she could be helping with the the plan to eradicate the world of all do gooders if the pokemon she was helping was nice enough to her and cleverly left out the fact that was what they were doing. Her view through rose color lenses often makes her blind to hazards around her, making her pretty vulnerable to threatening situations.

Spoiled:  For Kala, nothing was really off limits or out of reach for her, normally getting whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She had an easy life before going out to sea, but it only got easier for her then on out. Barely having to argue, she was given the highest quality of things, growing accustomed to the luxury. If not given things of quality that satisfy her, you better believe she would make quite the commotion in complaining, wanting to get her way like she always does. If no one else will, she won’t hesitate in indulging herself in whatever luxurious items she can get her fins on, sometimes, coming off a bit greedy due to the strength of her desire. A very easy way to get on her good side is to buy her friendship, but fair warning, it can be pretty expensive.

Irresponsible/Indulgent:  Going hand in hand with her naive and trusting nature, Kala does not make the best decisions and are carried out with little to no thought or consideration of consequences. With a tendency to be too generous as well as too lenient to those who do not deserve a second chance, she can often be seen as rash in most of the conclusions she comes to. Many Pokémon can be kind, but many have a filter as to where their kindness should stop and who deserves a second chance or not. Sadly Kala is not one of those Pokémon, most of those who have done her wrong, being able to get away with it.


Kala had grown up on a small island within the Scattered Isles, one particularly close to Algeen. While the Island itself holds nothing special its a must have as part of her family can't breath underwater.

Being born to a Primarina and Lycanroc couple, the little Popplio grew up with a mixture of both sea and land life. Though the rules became strict and her father could no longer leave the city of Algeen- leaving her with her mother and younger brother. A very hyper little Rockruff. Her dad had been an opera singer, and while in his care Kala really learned to develop her own voice, not only that but she adored singing, it was her passion. On a particularly windy day a boat was seen on the horizon, her mother had not warned her about the dangers of the ships and as it krept closer she continued to sing- her heavenly voice being carried by the winds.

Aboard the boat was an unruly group of pirates, which at the sound of Kala's voice melted and bent, soothed by that wonderful voice. They loved it so much, like any self respecting pirate would do- they sailed right up and invited her to sing on board the ship. Without a second thought, thinking these strangers nice and welcoming- hopped on the boat willingly. Her family was left in the dark- to worry away as their daughter danced and was treated like royalty upon a boat filled with pirates.

She met a nice Silvally on the boat, he was quite kind and despite his rough look he had a heart of gold, after a while on the S.S Good times as she had dubbed it. She realized she hadn't even told her family before she left. Guilt ate away at the both of them, so they hatched a plan. After catching wind of a heist in a place called Tabira- that's when she'd escape- and somehow find her way back to her family.

She didn't expect to find her first crush here though.

TUMBLR: Ask Peach!
YES YOU CAN USE THIS TEAM FOR CAMEOS- But please contact me if you want to use her in a speaking roll!
Character song playlist: Peach related songs

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Noa-ritrox's avatar
The reboot off the T H O T team