19-10 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/19-10/art/Midnight-City-27744340019-10

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19-10's avatar

Midnight City



The last, first and only galaxy I ever submitted is the one I did for Tamino. A while ago there was this galaxy craze going on in space art land that sparked new interest in galaxies. I worked on some stuff back then, but never got around to finishing or submitting anything.
But... here I am with this wallpaper. I tried to give a little 'spin' to the classic theme.

The galaxy was brushed, the Eiffel tower came from a picture I took on a trip to Paris.

The title is inspired by the epic music of M83.

Wallpaper pack includes the following resolutions:
- 1024 x 768
- 1440 x 900 (same as preview)
- 1600 x 1200
- 1920 x 1080
- 1920 x 1200
Feel free to resize them to fit your needs :) If you need a different aspect-ratio or can't re-size yourself, don't hesitate to ask me.
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Ibrahim4's avatar
Hi, I really love the idea. Its very creative, Can you use in sky blue colour? Its very dark. Can yougive me this picture to use but with blue colour ?Thanks