
Hilda-line Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: (The Other World's Real)

The next morning, Hilda reappeared where she were sleeping.

Then she awoke, looking concerned as she saw the familiar surroundings.

Hilda: (annoyed) Ughhh.

She slammed her fist on her bed area.

Then, Hilda noticed the cheese gone. Then, She headed downstairs until she arrived to the living room. However, when Hilda pulled on the door, it wouldn't budge.  She grunted, trying to get it opened.


Later, a familiar car arrived to where a gardening shop was while people, in costumes during a costume parade, were walking about while the car parked and Hilda was speaking to the ignoring parents.

Hilda: There were garden squash like balloon animals AND snap dragons.  And Upstairs, I saw a real bug circus, and it's not even pretend like the crazy man's in our house.

Geppetto: (to Johana) You sure you won't come?

Johana: Don't fret, Gepp, they'll adore the new catalog. At least, my chapters.

He glanced before he opened the door, heading out before Johana glanced at the girl in her car.

Johana: I did not call him crazy. He's drunk.

Then, Geppetto opened the door, looking at Hilda, whom had her school hat on.

Geppetto: Well, I guess I'll see you around, you dizzy dreamer.

Her nose was pinched as she yelped.

Hilda: (frowns) Da-ad! Come on, I'm not five anymore.

Geppetto finally closed the door before the vehicle headed off.


Inside a clothing shop, where it said "President's Day Sale", Johana looked at a plain outfit before placing it on a yellow squeaky voice teen(The Simpsons)'s arms. Hilda only looked down.

Hilda: Ugh, I don't really like new clothes.

Just then, Hilda noticed some striped gloves before picking them up. Then, she yelped and dodged before moving from where Josh(Close Enough), on a cart, slid down the steps.

Josh: My kingdom for a hooooooorse!!!!

Josh's wife Emily chased after him before Hilda heard crashing and a yelp.

Josh's Voice: Nailed it.

The stool came back as Hilda looked and had an idea.

While Johana was looking at the blouses, Hilda, standing in modeling pose, slid passed by her while wearing the gloves. Then, she came around, waving to her.

Johana: (not looking) Put them back.

She motioned the gray blouse toward Hilda.

Hilda: But Mum, the whole school's gonna be wearing boring gray clothes. No one will have these.

Psycho: Can I, at least, hold on to them for her?

Johana: It's not one of those strict dress code schools where you have to wear uniforms.  Now Put them away.

The Squeaky voiced teen walked toward the register.

Hilda: (mutters) My other mother would've gotten them.

Johana: Then, Maybe she should buy all your clothes from now on.

The young daughter scowled in anger before stomping away.


Later, as they were heading back to the mansion, Both Johana and Hilda looked away from one another.

Hilda: So what do you think's in the other apartment?

Johana: I don't know. Not a family of Haggard impostors.

Hilda: If that's so, then why did you lock the door?

Johana:  I found some crud and...I thought you'd feel...safer.

Hilda: They're bugs (frowns) And the dreams aren't dangerous; they're the most fun I've had since we've came to this place.

Johana: (assures) Hilda, I promise. Your new school might be fun.

Hilda: With those uniforms? Riiiiiight.

Johana: At least give it a try.


Then, they pulled up to the driveway. Later, inside, Johana looked inside the fridge, noticing not much food left while the power was flickering.

Johana: Would you like a mustard-ketchup-salsa wrap for lunch?

Hilda carried the bags, looking disgusted.

Johana: Mmm...Had to go food shopping anyway. Dad's planning something special.

Hilda: Ugh, gross.

Johana: (brightens) Maybe You wanna come along? You can pick out something you like.

She looking at Hilda.

Hilda: (frowns) Pick something out. Oh, like the gloves?

Johana sighed before looking seriously to Hilda.

Johana: Look, Hilda...if things go well for us today, I'll make it up.  I promise

Hilda: (frowns) That's what you always promise.

Johana looked a bit guilty before she prepared to head out.

Johana: I won't take too long.

The door closed and then Hilda looked at where the drawer was.

Hilda: (whispers playfully) But I might be.

Hilda dug into the drawer before noticing only the normal keys.

Hilda: Crud, where could mum had put the key?.

She then, grinned as she looked up.

Hilda: I found it.

Then, Hilda hit the key on the hook with the fork before it flipped around, then she snatched it.

Hilda: Got it!

Just then, the girl yelped before she fell, then smiled.

Hilda headed out of the kitchen. Then, she headed to the living room.

The girl neared the door before placing the key in the keyhole, turning it. She looked around as the group entered the living room. Hilda sighed before she braced herself, opening it. To her notice and delight, she saw the familiar tunnel forming.

Hilda: (grins) I knew it was real!

As she entered, unknown to her, the familiar black cat watched from outside, looking concerned before hopping off the window sill.


At the Other World, Hilda had arrived

Hilda: (notices) Where are the dogs?

At that moment, Hilda headed to the kitchen. In the kitchen, she saw the cupcakes, crumpets, scones, pizza, lemonade, cookies, sandwiches, and packages with a note attached.

Hilda took it before looking at it.

Other Johana's Voice: Dearest Hilda, Eda and Alice have invited you downstairs after lunch. I hope you like the new outfits I made you! Love, Mother.

She opened the box before pulling out some new clothing, new boots, hats, and attire that matched, including a sweater with stars for Hilda.

Later, outside the house, Hilda (with in new clothing) came out

Just then, she heard meowing. Hilda looked up before they noticed a familiar Black Cat Thackery Binx on the porch roof.

Hilda: (to the cat) know, Lincoln's got a cat like you at home. Not the quiet Lincoln; the real one that talks too much.

The cat leaped down to the railing by the basement stairs.

Hilda: You must be the Other Cat.

However, the black cat Binx turned to her.

Binx: No. I'm not the other anything. I'm only me.

Hilda yelped a bit.

Hilda: I don't believe it!

Binx: Actually, You could say I am after all, a reincarnation of THackery Binx who came back as cat form.

Hilda looked baffled with the revelation.

Hilda: Um...I can see your eyes aren't buttons....if you're the same black cat, how can you talk here and not over there?

He shrugged a bit.

Binx: (grins) I just can.

The cat leapt smoothy toward the large fallen tree.

Hilda: Cats don't talk at home.

Binx: No?

Hilda: Nope.

Binx: (dryly) Well, you're clearly the expert on these things. After all, I'm just a big fat starving  wuss puss.

He hopped onto the roots that were stuck out.

Hilda: Wait Thackery, Come back. Please? I...I'm sorry about calling you that, I really am.

Binx: You're lucky Thackery Binx is my name. and I've been coming here for a while.

Then, he came to the side of the thick root before going through it. To her notice, he was gone.  Just then, she noticed the cat reappearing from a hole near them.

Binx: It's a game we cats play. (points to the house) She hates cats and especially hates dogs.

The girl looked more worried before the cat stuck his head into the hole, with the cat appearing in another hole at the other tree.

Binx: And she even tries to keep me out. But she can't, of course. I come and go as I please.

Hilda: The Other Mother hates cats?

Binx: (chuckles) Not like any "mother" I've ever known.

Hilda: What do you mean? She's amazing!

He climbed off before hopping to the roof.

Binx: You probably think this world is a dream come true. But you're wrong. The Other Lincoln told me so.

Hilda: (frowns) That's nonsense. He can't talk.

Binx: Perhaps maybe not to you.

Binx: We cats, however, have far superior senses than normal beings and can see and smell, and- even believe all dogs are demons.

Binx sensed something.

Binx: (quietly) Shhhh! I hear something! Right...over...

He scrambled across the roof, Hilda looked concerned about it.

Hilda heard music starting up before they followed the two to where the door, circled with lights, were.

Inside, Hilda moved the curtain before she noticed and looked amazed at the amount of dogs (all with button eyes) in the seats. Finally, Hilda came the front, where Other Lincoln was, smiling warmly.

Hilda: (grins) Hey, Lincoln.

They sat down as the lights faded and the canine audience quiet down. Then, when the lights flashed, the one dogs, on wheels, ran toward the left side, with the curtain rising. Music began as a prop ship came and a fish prop also came. Then, the head caught on the hook opened, showing the Other Eda Clawthorne with normal looking eyes wearing a mermaid suit.

Hilda: (gasps) Good Grief! She's practically naked!

Other Eda: (singing) I'm known as the siren of all seven seas

The breaker of hearts by the bay.

So, if you go swimmin'

With bow-legged women,

I might steal your weak heart away.

She turned to the prop before she was lowered and the scene changed due to the Dog going right while the other dogs barked and most of them applauding.

Then, when the scene changed, prop angels came down before the Other Alice Green, wearing a yellow "nude" suit with stars covering the front parts, looked out while on the clam.

Hilda: (quietly) Oh my God.

Other Alice: (singing) A big-bottomed sea witch may bob through the waves,

And hope to lead sailors astray,

But a true ocean goddess,

Must fill out her bodice,

She pointed to her own body.

Other Alice: (singing) To present an alluring display.

The dog audience barked while Hilda clapped. The taller old woman, peeking from the trap door, frowned at the higher reaction, glaring at the short woman. Just then, the scene instantly changed with Other Alice Green yelping.

Other Alice: Oooh!

Other Eda: (singing) Beware of old oysters, too large in the chest,

Let's banish them from the buffet.

I'm far more nutritious

Just then, she yelped as the scene was beginning to change with Other Alice appearing.

Other Alice: (singing) You smell like the fishes

As they continued, the dogs kept running back and forth on the wheel.

Other Eda: (singing) Did I hear a banshee?

Other Alice: (singing) You're sea-green with envy

Other Eda: (singing) This mermaid enchantress,

Other Alice: (singing) No, I "Birth of Venus!"

Just then, the set rope began to break, with the wheel moving rapidly with the Other dogs yelping.

Both: (singing) Will send sailors swooning-

Just then, the angel prop hit Eda on the head.

Other Alice: (singing) -all day!

Just then, the prop fish fell onto her head. Both ladies tried keeping balance before both screamed and fell downward with everything colliding just as the curtain closed in front of the disaster.

Hilda: Ha-ha-ha-ha!

The canines barked in excitement while she only shrugged. Then, the spotlight came on just as the Other dog pushed out a barrel full of water, then looked up. Everyone looked up as they saw the two on very tall diving platforms.

Other Eda: Well Alice, Ready to break a leg?

Other Alice: Anything, like Our lives for the theater, Edaline!

The two hopped on the platform before Alice pulled what appeared to be a zipper behind herself. Then, out came a button eyed tall brown haired thin woman in Red bathing suit before a trapeze bar swung and she grabbed it.

Young Alice: He-he.

Then, Other Eda did the same, revealing herself to be a younger orange hair woman, though in blue bathing suit with a dragonfly and button eyes. She grabbed the other trapeze bar before the two came and held hands, posing with the canines barking and Hilda gasping in surprise.

Edaline: Ha-ha.

Then, they swung on the trapeze bars together happily.

Young Alice: What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason!

As they continued, they performed moves while on the bars.

Edaline: How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable!

They swung and twirled, switching bars. Then, Edaline grabbed onto the younger Green.

Young Alice: In action like an angel!

They swung over the audience, with everyone looking amazed.

Edaline: (smiles) In apprehension how like a god!

Just then, Hilda was grabbed by them.

Hilda: Ahhhhh!!

Then, girl with the young Alice Green were swung to the other bar.

Young Alice: The beauty of the world!

They were swung before each held on, laughing together before being swung to Edaline.

Edaline: The paragon of animals!

They neared the Other big dog, with one licking their faces each. Then, the girl was tossed up in the air and caught the stage rail

Hilda: (happily) YEAH!

Hilda held on while the young ladies finally let go of the handle bars, then jack-knife dived to the bucket below, with them instantly going in the bucket. Just then, Reiko yelped as she noticed herself letting go with the weasels holding her leg noticing. Just then, Hilda fell when she lost her grip.

Hilda: AHHHHHH!!!

Then, up from the bucket came the young performers before Edaline held out her arms and the girl landed on her, on both Edaline's hands and. The canines barked with the others applauding.

Hilda laughed while looking sheepish. Then, Other Lincoln took out a rose before tossing it to Hilda, whom snatched it..

Hilda: This is really, really great.

(End of Chapter 6)

There's a bit of a reference to the movie Hocus Pocus.

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C-blaze21's avatar

Really good.

Though I'm still at a loss where the Reiko and Psycho lines came from.