0nuku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/0nuku/art/Brickheadz-Toa-Ahkmou-and-Minnow-7394649330nuku

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Brickheadz - Toa Ahkmou and Minnow



Been a little bit since I did one of these, but I couldn't pass up on NickOnPlanetRipple after his amazing contributions to the fan continuity of Bionicle and graphic novels in general. I've been obsessed with his Nova Orbis comic since I first discovered it on BZP, and it's only right to build the leader of the team, Ahkmou, who has reformed his evil ways and now tries to help the Matoran in a strange new world. Plus he really rocks that orange.

Second of all is the main protagonist of his story, Planet Ripple. I must confess I still haven't read it yet, but it's definitely on my to-do list once I actually have some free time. Very much like Ahkmou, Minnow is a survivor on an alien planet whose life isn't made any easier for her being born without limbs. I hope you guys can give it the same chance I did to really get into the characters and story.

If you want to see another view and all the other Brickheadz I've done in the past, check out the Flickr Album!
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thelegoking99's avatar

Man, we need some Lego Planet Ripple sets. They would look so cool in brick format.