Miss Pasadena, CA Round 200chalcedony00 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/00chalcedony00/art/Miss-Pasadena-CA-Round-2-6365738700chalcedony00

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Miss Pasadena, CA Round 2



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Round 2 (Round 1 Entry found here: [link])

I entered in a club, :icongirls-girls-girls: contest which is literally mimicking the Miss Universe competition. We have three rounds to our contest, and this is round two, the Strawberry Themed SwimSuit.

Her swimsuit is a sexy but cute bikini with a red trim representing the Strawberries lush reddness, and with soft painted patterns of strawberries. Her sash/skirt thingy is a soft red(pink) strawberry laced design which only flows through the front of the piece. Shes adorned in a soft pink pearl to accent the hanging strawberries and strawberry flowers found on her chest and her feet.

To keep to the tropical theme, I placed a Tropical Flower in her deep reddish brown hair because these gorgeous flowers are found all over Pasadena, CA.

Miss Pasadena, CA:

Name: Lily (Lilianna)
Age: 22
Hair: Reddish Brown and Curly
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 3"

**Her pose in walk, as though a photo was taken of her while walking the runway.**

Heres the version without the sash: [link]
Image size
1986x3300px 1.91 MB
© 2007 - 2025 00chalcedony00
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samecool11's avatar
Looks really great and I love the strawberries