Sanctuary00AngelicDevil00 on DeviantArt

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00AngelicDevil00's avatar




I've always wanted to make a good looking scene with AsileFX's awesome Jungle plant pack, but I either didn't have time, patience or a stable, bugless software :XD: ....but here it is, though I still have problems with GR. Here I had to give atmo and AA settings a boost to reduce grains, so this scene took more than 3 hours to render at custom user settings (with higher AA quality).

Rendered in Vue 8 Infinite;
Minor postwork in PS CS4

Thanks for viewing! :)
Image size
1200x769px 408.96 KB
© 2009 - 2025 00AngelicDevil00
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Dimeolas7's avatar
love them both. For me the vibrant greens of the foliage feels like a connected entity, it flows. The other seems different, perhaps more realistic but not as drawing in. Wonderfull works.