Mountain brush set for PS CS00AngelicDevil00 on DeviantArt

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00AngelicDevil00's avatar

Mountain brush set for PS CS

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Another brush set :XD:
Some of the brushes were made of terrains and mountains rendered in Terragen, some of them are procedural terrains from Vue 6 Infinite. The idea of creating this set came when I was trying to combine Vue or Terragen with Photoshop, and I thought that it would be easier to use the rendered mountains as brushes :D
The set contains 10 brushes.

Sizes: 1020-1600 px
Created in Photoshop CS3
Officially beta-tested by :iconflightlevel-380: - thanks! :D
Preview background is from 9 Skies Brush Set

:bulletblue: I hope you like this set :). If you like it, a little :+fav: and comment is not required, but greatly appreciated. :aww: ;)
:bulletblue: ...but what I really would like you to do: if you use this set, give me credit, and include a link back to this set in your artist's comments! Thanks a lot :)
:bulletblue: If you use these brushes, feel free to note me with the thumb or the link to your deviation. I'd like to see what you created ;)
:bulletblue: If you use an older version of Photoshop but would like to use these brushes (or any of my brush sets :D), note me and we'll resolve this little problem! ;)

Thank you for downloading and using!
Have fun :)

EDIT: For those who use an older version of Photoshop, I included a folder of .jpg files and a tutorial in this .rar folder. I hope it helps you to create the same brushes in your version. All I ask is to save the set in its original name, and do not claim it as your own! :)
Thank you!
© 2008 - 2025 00AngelicDevil00
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iAngelRice's avatar

Hello, I've your brush here. Thank you!

SweetHeart Corner