“The Ledge”I waited in the shadows hungrily, watching, waiting, not moving, worried that it might give away where I was. Though I had no idea where, who, or even what I was.Everything was new to me. Every scent, touch, taste, sound and sight. I played with each one slowly, taking it all in, until the memories came. They flowed in like the Nile reaching every crack of my mind, filling it with its life. Now I remembered all.After ages of waiting, the time to draw my breath and shed the stone once again had come. I had watched the world evolve in front of my very eyes. I knew that a time would come that the humans would forget what had happe...
“The ledge continued…”In her place was the skeleton of a human which was quickly turning to dust in the moonlight. It seemed that not only I had been fortunate to awaken.
Looking up onto the roof of a building, I saw what had done this. I knew her kind. They would suck the very life out of you, leaving you an empty shell to turn into dust. She had wings of a bird. But I knew of no bird that was pure white, and glowed in the rays of the moon and still seemed so evil.In some of the humans’ ancient writings, they told of a winged beast that would bring you life. The humans were so trusting. But I had to admit she was beautiful. ...
“The ledge continued 3"I hated all of them, those mindless killing pieces of stone. This one in particular. As I looked down at his stone face so full of rage. You would think that something so still could never breath the air that we do. So quiet, until the time is right. They would ruin the balance of life again if I let them. I am a soul devour it is my duty to drain the life stream out of a living thing that is the only way I survive. I slowly consume the electric blue stream of light that is found only in the human heart, slowly sipping at it, taking just enough to sustain me. There has bin some accidents with my kind, some take to mu...
“DICE”Smoke twisted around the tall steel pipes that were reaching out their cold hands towards the sky. Dirt fell from the train tracks, like a waterfall, as the loud roaring train screamed past. I have to walk under this old dirty train every day to get to my house. Well, its not a house, its an apartment, and it’s completely abandoned except for me and my Dad. We have lived here in New York City for all of my life but I’m not complaining. Climbing the stairs to the third floor, I pick up the wet newspaper that has glued itself to the steel walkway to my room. “The New York Times” It’s heading was, “The Black Demon Or Man?” Who cares ...
The Keepers
Keeping something that isn’t really there.Aya’s lilac eyes shot open and franticly darted around to see where she was. There was a oversized redwood desk in one corner of the room with three chairs around it, padded with a soft velvet. Smiling diminutively, she realized that she was in the study. Her favorite room in the whole house. She was once again at the window watching the black snow fall from the blood red sky. The infatuation of it was so intense, that everything else seemed unimportant and it wore her down rapidly. The very way that the snow fell was astonishing.Aya was one of the Keepers, their whole purpose in life w...
Are you ready to begin? Are you ready to fall?
The clock will keep ticking, its hands will tell all.From start to end, beginning to Finnish,
This one things certain, your heart will diminish.Will your wing crumble? Will you soar to high?
Time is the only thing that is allowed to fly.
Current Residence: My secret bat cave Favourite genre of music: Alternative Operating System: PC MP3 player of choice: mobiBlu Skin of choice: My Own Favourite cartoon character: Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
Wee ^_^ I'm on now!I wont be using this space for my journal since I already have one at www.livejournal.com my user name is 0_bunny_0 so if you want to find out what's going on in my life go there and check it out.