Explore Fall Photography
Incomplete Mind by dAKx2evATE-itLyfe, literature
Incomplete Mind
East side of the river
My body is buried with no filters
Holding life in my palms
Pain scrolled on my arms
Writers blocked
Chained down and locked
Walk me to the alter, where souls come to die
I'm a burden, to my blood and friends
I'm killing you all
I don't deserve friendships or to be alive
I lay in my bed still
Crying, remembering the beatings and guilt
I wanted to kill them all
That would've been my gift
Creeping through the night
One by one, throats slit
I'll hold in my rage
Forgetting and washing memories away
To coexist with these humans
Erasing everything to my name
I've craved revenge
My conscience and morals get in my way
Why can't I murder them
Covered in their blood as I slay