Explore Team Updates
Sellers, your mobile shop experience just got streamlined! Now when buyers are checking out your shop on-the-go on a specific page, such as Exclusives, a list of all the other products you offer and their quantities can be accessed from a drop-down menu. No more will buyers need to back out to the shop to access other offerings!
Your sta.sh deviations are now offering your art more promotion. Published deviations submitted by the creator will display in a grid on the right side of each page as an example of their other great works of art. These square thumbnails will only be deviations publicly available in your Gallery; not other items from your sta.sh. Core Members with various offerings for sale may also be promoted on the right of their sta.sh pages.
This feature is rolling out, so if you don't have it right now, check back in a bit!
Improvements to Studio now make it possible to add published deviations to a group or share on social or in a post easier than before. Click the three-dot menu on the right side of the deviation, and take your actions without ever needing to stop at the deviation page!
Hype badges have been upgraded! 🔥 When you give a deviation a Hype badge, that deviation will now appear in the sidebar on other deviation pages and in Deviants You Watch, giving the deviation even more visibility. Show some love to your favorite art and give it a Hype badge!
Hype badges cost 100 gems each, and you can upgrade to Core Membership to get even more gems each week.