Old Cowboy by GamerArtisan, literature
Old Cowboy
I'm just an old cowboy today
Nobody wants me
I'm not much use anymore
But in my mind's eye, I remember a time when I was needed
When I made a difference
An age when heroes were heroes and villains were villains
Money didn't matter as much as honour
A good man's handshake was his word
My aim was unmatched
I delivered justice
Now, I sit in my chair
Hunched over
My pistol at my side
An empty power symbol, really
I barely have the reflexes to defend myself
I cough and struggle for breath
But back then, I commanded respect
I was strong
I protected my little town
People appreciated me
I genuinely cared for them
I had a sweetheart and I married her
She kept me happy and I did my best by her
She died unexpectedly
Leaving me alone
Now, I feel bitter
My body aches
As the sun sets, I know my time's winding down
My days are numbered
I'm just an old cowboy today