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Sanctuary by PeopleCallMeLucifer, literature
I remembered a comic I read online.
It was years back I found it
Years back I first got hooked
Hell it was before I even started writing
It was one of the first comics I found online
Still among the best ones I ever saw
And it’s still unfinished
Left in limbo for years now.
But hey. Life happens
The author’s still around at least
Doing other stuff.
But for me
That comic was a gateway
A gateway towards stories
Towards people and and more
To me that comic truly was
Chapter Twenty-Four: Allegiance by White-Feather, literature
Chapter Twenty-Four: Allegiance
“It may be small now. But I still don’t like it, sir.”
Shan wrapped his arms as he tried keep his teeth from chattering through the admission. Despite being out of the wind and wearing an extra wool over his tunic, the winter’s chill burrowed under his skin as they eyed the figures outside the gate. How they could bear to gather in the snow and night wind, he couldn’t fathom. The act was either of great determination, or they were insane. Neither was dismissible.
“No one said you had to be comfortable. Just don’t get antsy yet. Even if they mean trouble, there’s no chance of them breaking through the defenses.”
“Then why are they here?”
His commander offered no answer. Which was an answer in itself. Shan eyed the band to see if he could pick out anything distinctive. It was too far for faces, but in figure most appeared to be human. At least three score as far as he could see, if others were en route or hidden he wouldn’t be surprised. The commander was right, it wasn’t enough to