XxMurderdollxX on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/xxmurderdollxx/art/We-Were-Jumping-Off-A-Balloon-54300014XxMurderdollxX

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XxMurderdollxX's avatar

We Were Jumping Off A Balloon



full name should be We Were Jumping Off An Air-Balloon, but ya know.. DA :D

so i was sketching some stuff out in my lovely sketch book, nothing realistic, just random abstract shapes, experimenting with shapes, repetition, trying to get my composition better and then i come up with this, si i like it a lot and i work more into it with details and such...

drawing in pencil about 2 days total
line art in illy about 2 hours
coloring in ps about 4 hours

IMO best thing i've ever done, dont u think? ;)
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2400x3600px 3.32 MB
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hippierockinchick's avatar
floatin' in a black balloon... rain droppin' acid everywhere... nice.