
KingRussiaXReader-Roses or Sunflowers Chapter 12

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Russia Full 859940 By Xenophonxena-d699h66 by XMajutsu-shiX

"Offended your Highness!" (Name) took off her cap, "Replacing me already!" The King stared, his mouth opened but he closed it again.

Maybe he was going mental.

(Name) blinked. She glanced at the guardian.

"He thinks I'm dead..." The guardian nodded. King Ivan groaned. (Name) smiled.

"Just how I left him, frowning!"

King Ivan shook his head, his face going even paler. Was he really going mental? He sighed and looked back to his paperwork, muttering under his breath. Hilda certainly seemed shocked, she shook her head slowly, her face covered with the look of absolute disbelief.

"She's here idio- your highness..." The guardian smiled, and glanced at Hilda, raising his eyebrow.

"As a boy... again?" The king groaned.

"I'll be going then" The King glanced at him again, almost trying to avoid (Name). The guardian stood up. "I'll chose a room for myself." With that he nodded and walked away. (Name) blinked and smiled brightly. 

"Missed me grumpy- I mean your highness." The King blinked again. He glanced at Hilda and dismissed her with a wave of his hand. He gulped, straightened himself and stood up.

"You... you idiot!" He muttered. (Name) blinked. 

"What did I do this time?" She grumbled. King Ivan tilted his head up in a king-ish manner.

"You left the palace without my permission." (Name) blinked.

"Your Highness.... I fear you may be going a little..... mental" She muttered, shuffling back. King Ivan frowned at that. He shook his head.

"Wait for me to give you permission to take sunflower..." (Name) grumbled. "As I was saying... I guess... yes... I missed your coffee..." King Ivan nodded. (Name) scowled.

"That's the nicest thing that comes to your head? Well your highness... may I say I didn't miss you too much either..." King Ivan blinked. 



"Fine then... well... you take this da?" The King quickly shoved a sunflower in her direction. (Name) blinked at it.

"What's that for...?"

"That... well... to plant stupid sunflower" King Ivan muttered in annoyance. A tinge of pink rising to his face. (Name) nodded.

"Can't I just keep it..."

"........da.... I order you to keep it" The King nodded, satisfied with himself. (Name) frowned.

"You order me...?" She asked. The King nodded, glancing at his hands. "So..." The King glanced at her again, fiddling with his hand, he quickly sat down, not knowing why he had stood up in the first place. "I heard youre getting married-"

"Utter rubbish." The King grumbled, interrupting her. (Name) raised her eye brows. She glanced at him.

"So... I guess you owe me an explanation for everything." The King was quite. He sighed.

"The soldiers.... had a wrong assumption..." He muttered, his gaze wandered from the paperwork, to the sunflower she was twirling in her hand and fixed on her face.

"Wrong assumption?" (Name) frowned. Shuffling a little at the eye contact.

"Yes, they thought you and I were having an affair...." (Name) stared at him blankly. 

"A whhhaa?" The King frowned at her muttering something under his breath.

"A relationship..." (Name) continued staring at him. "What you may call dating or going out with each other being your boyfrie-"

"Yeah, yeah I get it." (Name) snapped, her face turning red. The King raised his eyebrow. She grumbled.

"I guess it may be because I communicate too much with you..."


"It means talk you stupid sunflower!" He snapped in annoyance. (Name) grumbled to herself.

"Is that a crime?"

"Da..." (Name) sighed. 

"Can I go now Your Highness?" King Ivan blinked. 

"Not yet (Name)" (Name) blinked and glanced at him. There was a long silence. The King glanced at his cold cup of coffee.

"Fine you may go now." He nodded. (Name) stood up. "And change those ridiculous boy clothes." He added. (Name) sniffled. She sighed and walked towards the door.

"Someone like her queen... pfft..." The King muttered to himself. (Name) stopped.

"Did you say something your Highness?" She asked curiously.

"Da, I said.... quick, go" (Name) nodded slowly, shrugged and shuffled off. The King sighed to himself and glanced at the window. So now... now what?

The guardian shuffled around, he stopped at another door and glanced at it. Inside he heard voices, they were quite muffled. He tilted his head. It wasn't that he was nosy or anything.... just bored.

Hilda glared accusingly at the general.

"She did not die?" The general glanced at her, bored.

"Don't worry dear, I'll have it sorted." He stood up and glanced around lazily. "This time I assure you you can eat her liver for breakfast." He yawned. The guardian frowned and pushed the door open. Inside was empty, the door on the other side of the room swung a little, the guardian frowned and strode over to the door, wanting to know what he and just heard. He rushed out and bumped into someone. 

"What the hell- oh it's you!" The girl from before grinned at him. The guardian stared at her, he knew he wouldn't catch the others.

"You really are a servant here..." He muttered in disbelief, staring at her almost sadly. (Name) remained quiet, her smile vanishing, she glanced at the broom she was holding and back at him.

"Yeaaah..." she muttered, not something she liked showing off. 

"I honestly thought you were one of his Majesty's lady friends..." (Name) frowned. "How did... how did you end up here..." (Name) glared at him, her face growing red. She tried to walk past him but he just stepped in front.

"I think we should talk..." He nodded at (Name) and pointed at the closest room. (Name) sighed and glanced at him.

"And why should I do what you say...?"

"Because otherwise I'll tell everyone about you teddy." The guardian raised his eyebrow. (Name)blinked, she opened her mouth then closed it then opened it again.

(Name) flopped down on the sofa and stretched. She stared at the guardian who was busy seating himself opposite her.

"So tell me how did you come here?" (Name) glanced at him.

"And I should tell you because?" The guardian glanced at her.

"Or else I'll tell the King that you... like him..." A small smile appeared on his face. (Name) blinked.

"Wha-what? Wait why? That's not true!" The man leaned back and stared at her.

"Oh really.... even if it isn't," He added sarcastically. "I'm sure I'll convince everybody." She stared at him.

"I'll get bloody hung!"

"Fine, but I will tell the King..." (Name) stared at him. 

"You wouldn't..." She hissed, narrowing her eyes.

"Fine, if you say so... I'll just be..." The guardian stood up. "Going for a walk... might accidently bump into the king though..." (Name) jumped up.


"You'll talk?" (Name) nodded. The guardian smiled, satisfied. (Name) shot him a glare and sat down as well.

"I've been here all my life-"

"That bit I know is a lie." The guardian glared at her and added impatiently. "You know, I'll just go, this is pointless, what did the King mean when he said you'd dressed up as boy again?"

"Fine- I dressed up as a boy... when I..." (Name) glanced at him. "No one from my family wanted to go, I didn't either but it was either that or marriage... so I dressed up as a boy to work as a blacksmith... I would rather do that then be a servant girl..." (Name) was quiet for a minute. "The King found out and got angry..." (Name) shrugged, sighing at the memory. "He said that I was lucky he didn't send me off for a life sentencing and instead I got put in the kitchens..." (Name) glanced at the floor, frowning. "He used to be so different." She sighed and glanced at him, continuing her story. For some reason, happy that someone was listening. At the end she stared at the guardian, daring him to laugh. He stared at her.

"The King is known for his abusive anger... did he ever hit you?" He asked finally, he narrowed his eyes. (Name) blinked and coughed.

"Pffft.... no" She glanced at him. "Why?" The guardian remained silent. He shrugged still staring at her.

"The King entered the maids area one time... I have heard... and when you ran away... you came back how again." (Name) stared at him and stood up.

"Can I go now?" She asked. The guardian nodded and walked out after her. Both of them spotted the King, who glanced at them.

"You two... were talking?" The guardian blinked.

"Problem your Highness?" The King frowned again.

"What about?" He ordered. The guardian narrowed his eyes at him, not liking the tone being used on him. The King turned to (Name) expecting an answer.


"How she ended up here." The Guardian answered coolly. (Name) blinked and glanced at the King. The King glanced at her back to the guardian for a few times. He nodded slowly.

"You said you wanted to talk?" He glanced at the Guardian, trying to ignore his expression. (Name) started shuffling back slowly, not liking the atmosphere around these tow people, they seemed to already hate her.

"Yes." The Guardian nodded, bluntly, they both turned to glare at (Name) who started shuffling away.

"Sunflower, coffee, in my office. 5 minutes, da?" (Name) was about to respond when the guardian interrupted her. "Actually, I believe your highness  she should just stay in that room where I can keep an eye on her." The King blinked not used to being told what to do. (Name) wavered about a bit before hurrying off.

The guardian turned to the King as (Name) closed the door behind her. 

"Yes?" King Ivan asked

"I'll make it simple your Majesty" The guardian said shortly. He stared at the King. "Some people in this castle want (Name) dead-"

"Yes I already know" The King interrupted frustrating the guardian. 

"You do?" he asked bluntly. Disrespectful 'King'. Doesn't know respect if it slapped him on the face' he thought to himself. 

"Yes, Hilda does want her dead, however I don't see what she can do, is that it? Can I continue my work now? I hope this wasn't the main reason you-"
"I give up" The guardian said coldly "I tried to warn you your Highness" he stared at the King "I've been your guardian for years, since you were an innocent little shy boy" he turned away "you've failed on keeping your promise Ivan" and with that he strode out., slamming the door behind him. 
King Ivan stared after him. Now what had he done? It seemed for the last few...years...he sighed turning back to his papers. It wasn't him who had changed, it was that stupid Guardian. 
"Are you sure it's going to work?" someone asked

"Yes sir" the person had a monotone voice perfect for robots.

"What does it do anyway?" another person asked curiously. The first person made a 'tsk' noise. He tilted his head with a small smile. 
"Robert here has been working for me for a couple of years now...explain what this is all about Robert"

"We have been researching about the memory, there are two types of storage for data in your brain, short term memory and long term memory...The long term memory is where the information-"

"We don't need the background details" The man snapped "Tell her...what it does"

"We have specifically been working on the deleting side of the brain, where memory is... destroyed or forgotten" The scientist said, is tone not changing "A severe type of when memory is destroyed or forgotten is Amnesia" he paused "Although we can't purposely delete large sections of memory data right now, we can destroy small sections of data, such as people you haven't known for a long time" 

The larger woman's eyes became excited "(Name)" she breathed. The man next to him smirked. 
"Though we have to make sure the person falls or hits his head in a very specific way with a specific velocity and is possible to make-"

"His Majesty forget about (Name!" The woman interrupted  There was a silence, the man next to the scientist ordering him out. He turned to the woman. 

"So what do you think?" he asked

"I wont ask why you were originally researching about this" Hilda smirked. The man's face dropped. 

"That is not for you to know"

"I won't ask" there was a silence. 

"Perfect" she said "This is perfect" 

And they both laughed. 

Long term memory short term memory...*haunted images of psychology lessons* Dropping to knees. 
Anyway, finally got arounf to doing this! Yeysers! 
Chapter 12: Y'all are on it!
© 2013 - 2024 XMajutsu-shiX
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sanniebannie4's avatar
*Voice straight from the bottom pit of Hell* Hilda.. I will kill you, bring you back to life and then kill you again, repeating the process until the end of days.

Zanna (2p me): Damn.... She means it folks..